Do I Need a Commercial Real Estate Agent or Broker?

Sep 07, 2023

Understanding the Roles: Commercial Real Estate Agent vs. Broker

Understanding the Roles between Commercial Real Estate Agent vs. Broker

So, your business is growing and you need to expand with some commercial real estate. Congratulations, this is a massive step for you and your business! But now you might be wondering, "Do I need a commercial real estate agent or broker?". You might be feeling excited, or even a bit scared and overwhelmed at this point. 

It's a question we hear often, and the short answer is... It really just depends on what you're looking for.

Understanding the Basics: Commercial Real Estate Agent vs. Broker

Ok, let's break it down. A commercial real estate agent helps individuals or businesses find, sell, or lease commercial properties. They've put in a set number of training hours and have a license to practice real estate.

A commercial real estate broker is a step above an agent. They have more training, have passed a more advanced exam, and often manage a team of agents. Think of a broker as the captain of the ship, guiding their crew in helping clients.

Why You Might Choose a Commercial Real Estate Agent:

  • You want someone who can give you one-on-one attention.
  • You're interested in a straightforward lease or purchase without too many complexities.
  • You're looking for local experts in the market.

Why You Might Opt for a Commercial Real Estate Broker:

  • You have a more intricate deal or a larger project.
  • You're considering a major investment or multiple properties.
  • You want the added assurance that comes with a broker's deeper experience and training.

The Benefits of Having Representation in Commercial Real Estate Transactions

While the titles and roles differ, both agents and brokers are equipped to support you in your commercial real estate venture. Your decision should be based on the needs of your project. It's like choosing between a skilled mechanic and an auto engineer when your car has a hiccup. Both know cars, but one might be better suited for your specific situation.

Always remember, whether you're working with an agent or a broker, communication is key. Be open about your priorities, budget, and vision. The more they understand your goals, the better they can serve you.


To sum it up, the goal is to have someone in your corner who understands the ins and outs of commercial real estate. This is a big step, and having the right partner can make all the difference. At
Tenants First, we're here to answer any questions you might have and support you every step of the way. Your journey is our priority.

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